Traveller – Easy Jet Personal Shopper

The Style Counsel

Milan Ten years working as a fashion co-ordinator for some of Italy’s biggest brands has given personal shopper Annamaria Lamanna an enviable insight into one of the world’s leading style hubs.

“Milan is the best place in Europe for shopping,” she says. “All the styling departments of the most important brands are located here.”

Quite simply, if you need to know where to find the season’s hottest looks, then Annamaria is your girl.

She’s also keen to overturn the idea that personal shopping and Milanese style are the preserve of the mega-rich.

“The fashion district can offer many different proposals for any kind of budget,” she says. “I help my clients find the right purchases while spending less than €100.”

A three- or four-hour session with Annamaria isn’t just great for finding bargains – she also advises her clients on their image as a whole.

“They consider the time they spend with me like a lesson,” she says. “I give them advice they can use in the future.

I can read in their eyes their satisfaction after our time together, especially when they spend less than they would have imagined.”

Traveller Easy Jet Personal Shopper



traveller easy jet personal shopper
